The Project

The orphanage

The orphanage is located in the Peruvian Andes in Cusco. Elim was founded by Nilda Escobar Loayza to offer the kids on the streets in Cusco a better future. Actually, she is running the organization with her son Jeremy, who is managing the coordination of the volunteers.

They have built two houses: one for the boys and one for the girls. The "casa de los niños" (the boys' house) is the home for actually 11 boys. They are between 6 and 18 years old. Apart from the bedrooms and common areas the five-floor house consists of a PC-Room, a classroom, a roofed courtyard, a whole floor for the volunteers and a roof with an amazing view over Cusco and the mountains. In the girls' house are living 12 girls at the moment, who are between 5 and 15 years old. It's just a 10 minute taxi drive away.


Daily routine at the orphanage

During the week the children are going to public school, which is in walking distance. The younger ones go in the morning and the elder ones at the afternoon. Therefore, there is every time someone of the children in the house. The ones, who are currently not in school, are doing their homework, helping to do the housework or just playing. The volunteers have the opportunity to bring in their own skills. Some suggestions: learning English, playing boardgames, cards, doing sports, doing handicrafts, painting etc. Furthermore, you can plan activities like excursions, going to the playground, playing football or volleyball, going to eat, swimming, visit a museum, a park or a zoo etc.

Apart from the voluntary work there is enough time to visit the city and go out with the other volunteers.


The past of the kids

The kids come from families with difficult social background. Earlier Nilda picked them up from the streets. Nowadays they are sent from the government office for youth welfare.

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Casa de los niños - Boy's house. Left sign

Pasaje Mariano Melgar K 12
Urb. Zarzuela, distrito de Santiago

Cusco, Peru


Casa de las niñas - Girl's house. Right sign

Avenida Mariscal Gamarra A.-1-28
Urb. Ttio, distrito de Wanchaq
Cusco, Peru